Be An Equipment Leasing Broker
Earn high commissions arranging equipment leases for the 80% of American businesses who lease equipment; $150 Billion dollars worth per year!
Be your own boss working on your own; when you want and with who you want; and building your own business.
Be involved and respected in your business community, dealing directly with the owners and senior managers of your area's most successful businesses.
Today's high growth opportunities are in service businesses; and equipment leasing is BIG business. Here's just some of what businesses in your area lease:
Telephone Systems
Medical Equipment
Test Systems
Lab Equipment
Printing Equipment
Work Stations
Lift Trucks
Data Links
Production Machinery
Shop Equipment
Voice Mail Systems
Shelving & Storage
And much more...
As an independent equipment leasing broker... You'll match your customer with the leasing company most interested in and likely to approve the lease they want.
This kind of sale is very much like selling real estate, insurance or other financial services. You'll work similar to the way an they do, ...but without the night and weekend hours!
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